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Awards and Recognition

21.  Krishanpal Karmodiya was selected as the EMBO Global Investigator in 2024.


20. Krishanpal Karmodiya joined the Editorial Board of PLOS Pathogens as an Academic Editor in 2024.


19. GRC (Gordon Research Conference) Carl Storm International Diversity Fellowship to Mamatharani for attending the GRC Chromosome Dynamics conference, Lucca (Barga), Italy, June 2023.

18. CSIR and Infosys Foundation Travel grant to Mamatharani for attending the GRC Chromosome Dynamics conference, Lucca (Barga), Italy, June 2023.


17. Tanwee Das received financial support from GRC to attend the Gordon Research Conference on "Reinvigorating Malaria Control, Prevention and Treatment: From Bench to Bedside to Bednets. Barcelona, Spain, May 2023.


16. DBT-CTEP travel award and Carl Storm International Diversity Fellowship (for registration) to Bhagyashree Deshmukh to attend the Gordon Research Conference/Seminar, Barcelona, Spain, May 2023.


15. Infosys Foundation Travel Award to Bhagyashree Deshmukh, 2023.


14. Devatrisha Purkayastha and Saptarshi Mridha were selected for the India-EMBO Lecture Course: Malaria Molecular Epidemiology, Population Genetics, and Evolution,  17 – 23 November 2022, New Delhi, India.


13. EMBO Short Term Fellowship and Travel grant to Tanwee Das to visit the Department of Plant Protection Biology, Alnarp, Sweden, 2022. 


12. DBT-CTEP Travel grant to Rashim Malhotra to attend the Molecular Parasitology Meeting Woods Hole, USA, 18-22 September 2022.

11. Infosys Foundation Travel grant to Rashim Malhotra, 2022.


10. EMBO Short Term Fellowship and Travel grant to Abhishek Kanyal to visit The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK, 2021.


9. IISER Pune IDeaS Scholarship to Mamatharani, 2020.


8. DST SERB travel grant to Abhishek Kanyal to attend Molecular Approaches to Malaria (MAM) meeting, Australia, 23-27 February 2020.


7. DST SERB travel grant to Mukul Rawat to attend Molecular Parasitology Meeting, Woods Hole, USA,  15-19 September 2019.


6. Wellcome Genome Campus (WGC) travel grant to Mukul Rawat to attend Malaria Experimental Genetics course, Bangkok, Thailand,  22-27 April 2018.


5. EMBO Short Term Fellowship and Travel grant to Mukul Rawat to visit Montpellier University, Montpellier, France, 2017.

4. Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award from National Academy of Sciences India (NASI) to Krishanpal Karmodiya, 2016. 
3. Krishanpal Karmodiya became a member of the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) in 2015.
2. DBT-Innovative Young Biotechnologist Award to Krishanpal Karmodiya, 2014.
1. DST-INSPIRE Faculty Award to Krishanpal Karmodiya, 2013.


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