NGS Facility
We aim to utilize the IISER Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) facility to the fullest and make sequencing affordable to the scientific community and research organizations.
IISER-NGS Facility Overview: We currently employ the following platforms:
1. Illumina NextSeq550 Sequencing Platform
Illumina sequencing utilizes reversible terminator chemistry optimized to achieve high levels of cost-effectiveness and throughput. Millions of reads are produced per sample lane at 75 bp to 300 bp read lengths. Support for the multiplexing of 96 bar-coded samples into a single lane.
2. 10X Genomics Chromium System
Powered by GemCode Technology, provides a precisely engineered reagent delivery method that enables thousands of micro-reactions in parallel. Single Cell Gene Expression, ATAC and CNV solutions for gene expression, heterogeneity and regulatory landscape determination.
The booking prices for the external (Non-IISER Pune) users for the IISER-NGS facility
The prices do not involve sample/library preparation. It only involves the running cost of the instrument (all the consumables should be provided by the user).
The prices do not include taxes (18% GST will be applicable).
Rates may be revised from 31st March 2024.
Booking rules for external users:
● Request to use the NGS Facility should be sent to ngs [at] acads.iiserpune.ac.in
● All the details of the sample should be disclosed in the project submission form (will be provided separately).
● Booking will be made upon receipt of the project submission form signed by PI.
● The number of runs will be reserved based on availability and on a case-by-case basis.
● Payment mode will be through cheque/DD/wire transfer addressed to “Director IISER Pune”.
● NGS Facility, IISER Pune should be acknowledged in presentations or publications.
Rates will be reviewed on a yearly basis. IISER Pune reserves the right to refuse applications.
NGS Facility,